Whatever You Do … Wherever You Go

Whatever You Do … Wherever You Go

The page has turned …

Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Proverbs 3: 5, 6 (TPT)

I have plans. I have ideas. I have lists of things I want to do in the year ahead. I doubt if I am alone in those big plans, notions, and to-do lists for the year ahead. As the calendar turns, we think about trips we want to make, home improvements, hobbies, health goals, not to mention the things we didn’t get done in 2024. The email we neglected to send or the phone call we forgot to return scratch at the back of our minds. The desire to have deeper relationships with our families and friends is always a purpose when we turn over the calendar to a new year. You got it: 2024 is over and we have arrived at the time to get busy for a new year.

As I drove by a business yesterday, I saw a sign with this message:

Indeed, what we leave behind in 2024 is best left behind, and we know there are issues we can improve on in 2025. We can’t go back and do over what has been done or not done. There will be plenty to trip us up ahead if we don’t rely on the wise guidance of the One who knows everything.

I have chosen the above Scripture from Proverbs for my verse for 2025. When I rely on my human frailty to make wise choices, good decisions, and steps ahead, I get in my own way.

  • To “trust in the LORD completely,” I have to know Him. Not only must I have trusted Him for my salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, but I also have to get to know Him through my study of His Word and through prayer
  • If I “rely on my own opinions,” I will stumble. After all, I am human, not omniscient. What I don’t know can hurt me.
  • To “with all my heart rely on him to guide me,” means my to-do list has been submitted to God. I will have peace about a decision if I pray about what I am to do and allow the Holy Spirit to show me either in the scriptures or in my heart if I make the right decision.
  • Do I believe “He will lead me in every decision I make?” I do when I prayerfully consider each decision.
  • How? “Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go.” An intimacy is not always easy. Why not? Because (I don’t know about you) I am filled up with myself and, yes, my plans, my dreams, and things I want to do. Practice being in His presence 24/7/365—walking in step with Him.

Challenge for 2025:

Set aside a block of time every day to meet with the LORD in Bible study and prayer. Yield your purposes to His Purpose. Create a “mission statement” for your year ahead. Keep a journal of how the Holy Spirit shows you your path day by day. Remember, Jesus is coming again. Soon.

He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22: 20

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